Catalogues and specials in New Plymouth
How ShopFully Works
![Step 1](/assets/img/hiw/hiw_step1.png?v=1736341793966)
Browse Weekly Ads
Get ready for your next shopping trip with ShopFully: choose the retailer that you prefer and browse the weekly ads from stores in your area.
![Step 2](/assets/img/hiw/hiw_step2.png?v=1736341793966)
Find Deals
Find the deals that interest you the most: choose a category, retailer or store and check out the deals in the weekly ads or catalogues.
![Step 3](/assets/img/hiw/hiw_step3.png?v=1736341793966)
Buy In-Store
Find the store nearest to you: use the map to discover store locations in your area along with store hours.